Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Summer is winding down!

One of the fun things of summer, yummy sweet corn, Marcus loves it. Thanks Don and Maggie, it was delicious!

I am very sad, summer is coming to an end and it seems too quickly. I feel like we just got out for Summer vacation yesterday and next week I have to go back already.

Michaela is a little nervous about going into the 6th. grade, I am not sure why. She was in the middle school last year. I think she has heard somethings and it is making her not want to go.

Marcus too will have some changes, he will be going to a new sitters starting on Wednesday, August 13, 2008. I think it will be harder on me than him. He has been with Andrea who has loved and taken good care of him for the last two years. We are sad to leave her, but sometimes you have to do what is best for the family, money wise anyway.

Speaking of which, we just finished a week of Vacation bible school, the kids had fun, I am glad it is over. We learned about Riding the Wave of God's Love, and how God helps us even when we aren't at our best. I needed that last week, I felt like I was not at my best, you know the best laid plans seem to go crazy, that is what I felt like. I thought I was pretty prepared, but in the end, I still felt like I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off.

Now on to planning for Marcus' Second birthday. It is so hard to believe he is going to be 2 already. It seems like yesterday when we just brought him home and he was so tiny and now he is all boy and a go getter. He is excited about his Mickey Mouse party, Aunt Donna would be so proud. He loves his Mickey Mouse.

Not much else, I will post after Marcus' birthday or maybe one more time before then, I know when school starts it will be few and far between.