Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!

Just wanted to say Happy New Year to everyone! 2008 has been a year of ups and downs, and my wish for 2009 is that everyone remains healthy and safe.

Who would have thought 2008 should be over already. It seems like yesterday it was just beginning. The years just seem to keep on flying by.

My Niece, Michelle posted asking what are your goals for 2009? Well I had not thought about it until now. Some of my goals for 2009 are:
*To be a little more easy going and not so high strung.
* Spend more time just enjoying my children and the new things that come each day.
* I would love to lose some weight and look just totally awesome for Kristal's Wedding in June.
*To keep our Finances better and not worry so much about money.
*I pray the Lord will help be the best wife/Mother and Teacher I can be. Give me strength to deal with whatever the challenge the may bring. Along with teaching, help me to be the best Sunday School teacher and be a good example for my kids I teach.

What are your Goals? Let's start the chain and maybe help keep everyone on track.

Love and prayers to all. Happy New Year.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Happy Birthday Michaela!

Happy birthday Michaela, we hope you had a blast with your friends! Yes we had 3 other 12 year olds here last night for a sleep over, OK I can't really call it a sleep over, because I am not sure how much sleeping was done. I think they all had a good time.

As you can see they were pretty fired up and silly from the start and this was before cake and any sugar was ingested!
I used some Up-Case Living words, Thanks Jen for the use of your words, the girls each made 3 ornaments, they got to pick between, simplify, believe, love, dream and hope; then they had to rub then carefully on the balls. Fun little craft and something they could all take home with them.
Lastly we took them all to Mahoney State Park after a quick lunch at MacDonald's. Michaela wanted to go Ice Skating. So up we headed and for $2 admission to the activity complex and $3 skate rental it was an awesome day. I couldn't believe how cheap it was. They would skate awhile then go play in the maze to warm up. Then go back out skating. Over the Holidays they are open 11-8. If anyone is looking for something new and adventurous try it out.
Have a great New Years if I do not post before then.
Love to all,

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Visiting Santa 2008

OK, being the on the spot Mom that I am, this is the first time my kids have seen Santa this year. I was very surprised, Marcus went right up and sat on his lap, then went back when we asked him if he told Santa what he wanted for Christmas. He had to go back and make sure he told him he likes train stuff, Thomas Train Stuff. It was way too cute.
We went over to Sprague Church for their Kids' Christmas Program tonight and that is where Santa was after the program. Yes, Kayla is getting too old for Santa, but we told her, she needs to keep the spirit alive for her little brother, cause if she spoils it for him, there will be no presents for her. Like I could do that. Hopefully she will let him believe for a while anyway.
Polar Express has become his favorite movie, I made the mistake of letting him take it along last night on our trip to Lincoln, now he thinks he needs to take it every time we get in the van. Probably not the best thing or smartest thing I have done, lately and probably not the last.
We had our Christmas program this morning at Church, the kids did great, they always do. We worry about them not getting things correct, but in the end, who cares, no one they just like to see the little kids all dresses up and doing what they do best, being kids.
I am proud of my Sunday School kiddos, we have talked allot this year about giving back, and for a holiday project they made cards to send to recovering soldiers at Walter Reed Medical Center. And also just helping out wherever and whenever needed. My Class especially has become very involved in the worship service and helping out with reading and offertory and helping the younger kids. I have to say I am also proud of my 5, for taking on the challenge of learning the books of the bible. Our goal is for them to be able by the end of the Sunday School year to stand up and proudly recite all the books of the bible. We have a great start and they are working hard, Please pray for them and me as we take on this challenge and grow together learning about Gods word and all the books written.
If I do not get another post in I want to wish you all a Merry CHRISTmas and a wonderful and safe New Year.
MY love to all!

Friday, December 19, 2008

A few pictures from Novemeber

I loved this picture, though not a true stair step, because Courtney is just a little shorter than Carter, so by age they were not in order. Should have made them put her on a small block so they could be in order, I liked how Marcus was looking back at all of them.
Michaela, what can I say, almost 12 going on 18! Scary!

My favorite picture of the kids together. Wish I could have gotten more or different ones. But I love this one too.

My little man, what can I say, except, sorry it has taken me till November to get your picture taken. Poor guy! Love you bug!

We had the kids' pictures taken the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. Scott and Kathy came in early and when Garrett got out of school they joined us. We had the grandkids on the Chelton side pictures taken together. They all did pretty well. Here are just a select few of the 88 pictures they took that day.

Twas the week before Christmas!

Just a quick update, sorry still no pictures to put on. Maybe next time.

Sending prayers out to my mom tonight, that she gets to feeling better very soon and that the medicine starts working and we can get her on the road to feeling better before Christmas Eve.

I did get her to go to the doctor, Praise God! She agreed easily, she must of felt really bad to agree so quickly. She has been on Antibiotics since Wednesday and at least had somewhat of a voice this afternoon when I talked to her.

Love you Mom, thanks for going to the Doctor and I hope you are feeling better soon.

Prayers for my mom tonight. Get well soon.

Love to all,

Monday, December 15, 2008

Whew-What a week!

Last week was a marathon!

Michaela's concert went well, I was surprised by how good that many first year band students with only a few days of full band practice could sound so good.

It felt like we were running around crazy and this week is shaping up the same. With Birthday's and practices for dance, and Christmas program and Flag core clinic at 7:30 A.M.(mind you)! Yikes, Calgon take me away.

I will post more later, Have a great week.

Love to all,

Monday, December 8, 2008

Just a quick Change

Wanted to get the background changed, but not enough time to post a whole lot.

Micheala was in the Star City Holiday Parade on Saturday so last week we were busy running to practices and preview night ETC... She had a great time, she was hot by the time they were done and we were frozen. Imagine that.

This week she has her first band concert. I can not even pretend to think how this is going to sound. But hey, they are just beginners. They may surprise us all.

Next week she will be 12 years old, I can't hardly bring myself to write it. It sadens me terribly. Just yesterday she was my little baby and now she is almost a teenager. Yikes, she is growing up so fast and as much as I would love to keep her a little girl she is not one anymore. But I am still the Mom and have lots of say in what she wears and buys. Not to her liking, I can tell you that.

I will try to post some holiday photos this weekend, try is the key word there.

Love to all.

Lisa and the family

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Just a quick note to say Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. I hope you all had a very nice and quiet day with family and friends.

We started our weekend out with pictures of the Chelton Grandkids on Wednesday afternoon. The kids did great and we got some good pictures for Ken and MaryLynn, hope you liked them.

Thursday we had a wonderful meal at Ken and MaryLynn's with Steve's family. In the afternoon went up to help put up My mom's Christmas lights. Thanks, Blaine for getting up on the roof. We plotted our statagy for Friday and then went back to play some cards at Ken and MaryLynn's.

Friday morning, bright and early brought the annual, Smith Black Friday run. Left Steve home with Marcus, to let him sleep a little more. Found some good buys, but not a lot of Christmas gifts.

What are you thankful for this Holiday season?

I am thankful for my family and friends. My husband, who works hard to support our family, and tries to be a good father to our children. For my wonderful Children, who I would love to give the world, but want to offer, my love and show them the true meaning of Christmas and the Holiday Season. I am thankful for my mom, who, is there to listen and help when needed. Thanks for all you do for us, we can never thank you enough. To Ken and MaryLynn, I am thankful for you do for us too. Thanks for being there at the drop of a hat. When we call and need someone to watch Marcus or just to help us out. We can never say thank you enough. I am also thankful for my church, though small, it is a good place for us, with many special people who love and care for all of us.

May this time of Thanksgiving and Season of Renewal, bring peace and love to each and everyone of you.

Love to all,
Lisa and Family

Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween 2008

Just a few pictures from the weekend. The kids had fun, just being outside and it was so nice out it was hard to come in. Marcus loved all the blow-up and lite up stuff as we were walking around. Michaela's friend Laura went with us, and they were pretty selective on which houses they went too. I can not say, we went to, too many, but enough, it was more fun just being out and walking around.

This picture I took at Olive Branch Insurance Agency when we went over to see the Grandparents, thanks for waiting for us Donnie and Maggie!
The kids had fun on Tuesday night, carving their pumpkins, Marcus' new word is "It's disgusting!" Which, like Steve says, he gets from me. As long as he was using the scoop it was fine, don't ask him to touch it with his fingers!

Boo at the Zoo, I was a little worried about it this year, with the Zoo's new Diversity Policy. It upset me a little. But I have to remember it is for the animals at the zoo and the kids. But what harm is there in telling the story of Noah's Ark, I mean they had no problem taking my money that said, "In God We Trust!"
We did have fun, it was cold, we should have waited till Tuesday, or later, it was nicer later in the week. Oh, well, it wasn't very busy at all so it was nice. Of course we had to ride the train, Marcus' favortie part.
On another note, Marcus had a little surgery this morning. He is doing fine, just a little sore and swollen. He will be ok, Steve will be off tomorrow and I am taking the rest of the week off, to make sure his stitches are ok and he doesn't get an infection.

Have a great rest of the week.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Marcus gets his Big Boy Bed

The boy is Two! Watch out world here he comes!

We switched Marcus' bed tonight. He is excited about it, we will see how it goes tonight. I am going to try and put a video on here too, but we will see.

I will let let you know how it goes.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Summer is winding down!

One of the fun things of summer, yummy sweet corn, Marcus loves it. Thanks Don and Maggie, it was delicious!

I am very sad, summer is coming to an end and it seems too quickly. I feel like we just got out for Summer vacation yesterday and next week I have to go back already.

Michaela is a little nervous about going into the 6th. grade, I am not sure why. She was in the middle school last year. I think she has heard somethings and it is making her not want to go.

Marcus too will have some changes, he will be going to a new sitters starting on Wednesday, August 13, 2008. I think it will be harder on me than him. He has been with Andrea who has loved and taken good care of him for the last two years. We are sad to leave her, but sometimes you have to do what is best for the family, money wise anyway.

Speaking of which, we just finished a week of Vacation bible school, the kids had fun, I am glad it is over. We learned about Riding the Wave of God's Love, and how God helps us even when we aren't at our best. I needed that last week, I felt like I was not at my best, you know the best laid plans seem to go crazy, that is what I felt like. I thought I was pretty prepared, but in the end, I still felt like I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off.

Now on to planning for Marcus' Second birthday. It is so hard to believe he is going to be 2 already. It seems like yesterday when we just brought him home and he was so tiny and now he is all boy and a go getter. He is excited about his Mickey Mouse party, Aunt Donna would be so proud. He loves his Mickey Mouse.

Not much else, I will post after Marcus' birthday or maybe one more time before then, I know when school starts it will be few and far between.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Softball Season Comes to an End!

Sorry for not posting much lately. Hope everyone had a safe and Happy 4th of July.

We have been busy this last week with Kayla's softball tournaments. They played the top ranked team Monday night in the rain and WON! Believe it or not. The girls were so excited. Tuesday we were suppose to play in Douglas, on the way there it was pouring rain, got there sat for 10 minutes before they said they were moving our game to Eagle. So we all drove to Eagle, and had to wait for that game to get over, it was 9:00 before we started, they lost by one point, they played so hard, but it was a long night. It was after 11:30 when we got home. Wednesday night they played the late game in Sterling, they lost terribly so their season was over. They all played well and learned some things, I think anyway.

Have a great week.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Kayla's Dance Demo!

Michaela started taking a hip-hop & cheer class in Cortland, through Club Kicks in Lincoln. Miss Lindsey has only worked with them on this routine for 2 weeks, and it is hard to hear the music outside and with the parents talking behind me, but I was pretty proud of her. They went last night and added to the routine, today she can't sit on her bum, as she did a move and pulled some muscles in there. I think it is kind of funny! She says it's not, but I sure like to laugh at her about it.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Marcus shows off!

Marcus got this huge pig, piggy bank, and we have not put anything in it. He found a penny one day and I told him I would hold it and when we got home he could put it in his bank. Well my son never forgets anything. So I cleaned out my change pocket and gave 1/2 to him and the other to Michaela. You know got to be fair. Steve videoed us while we were counting the pennies he was puting in. Of course at the end you will hear, he thinks we should just dump them out and do it again. He'd do it all night, we had to tell him they don't come out anymore. What a little man, He can be so darn precious one minute and so darn naughty the next. But I love him lots.

Thursday, June 19, 2008


I keep thinking of the good old days of the past, long since ended. Then my nights were filled with joyous songs. I search my soul and meditate upon the differences now. I recall the many miracles he did for me so long ago. Those wonderful deeds are constantly in my thoughts. I cannot stop thinking about them.
-Psalms 17:5-6,11-12

You know it is funny how certain things make you think back to years past. This week especially for some reason has done that to me. It started off with my Cousin Tara, and her broken dishwasher, and her mom, Paula, posting a comment about Grandma Tracy, looking out the window with the fresh breeze. It started me thinking about Aunt Nancy, I posted on Tara's blog about Nancy in the kitchen, having a dishwasher, but loving every minute of dirtying every pan possible, and not having a care in the world. Just cooking and being together was her joy. Now a couple of cousins are getting married on that part of my family and the memories of Aunt Nancy's showers are coming back. All these things made me think back to her house and the special times spent together. All the stories, and the incredible history we all were told. The one thing I remember most is the Lords Prayer and Grandma and Grandpa's Certificates hung on her wall. I can not remember if they were their birth certificates or their citizenship papers, and how proud Aunt Nancy was of them, how she had them framed and told us all the story behind them and why they were important to her and our family. Don't ask me why this is coming out now, I can not tell you just that I was a memory and wanted to share it. Hopefully it will get you all thinking about some good memories in your family or to share some new memories with others.

I think it is important to give these memories to our children so they can carry them on. It is so funny how a dish or book or picture can bring out the stories, please share them with your children/grandchildren. So they can keep going for ages to come.

Memories are a good thing and I love them, but can be sad at the same time. I searched my Bible today for the right words to talk about this and of course ended up in Psalms, my favorite chapter of the Bible I think. Not sure this is the right verse for my subject, but it jumped out at me and seemed to fit.

Love you all!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day Steve! You are the most wonderful man I know. I love to watch you with the kids and see how your eyes light up when you see them and play with them. I could not have asked for a better Husband or Father for our children.

I hope you had a good, restful day and know that I love you lots, thanks for all your love, understanding, and support. I know things have not been easy for us, but we are working them out and with Gods help and our patience we will continue on the right path.

Ken when I watch you with my children, I see where Steve got his love for them from. Your willingness to be here at the drop of a hat and help whenever we need it is remarkable. Thank you for all the times I called in a frustration because I got a call at 7:15 and had no sitter for the day and you were here in a heart beat. Man I don't know what I would have done without you.

Everyone tells me how weird it is that you stepped up and helped my mom out when we were growing up. I just saw it as a man, willing to help a friend or family in need. I saw then how Gods love worked through you and was passed on to your son. Steve is very much like you and is willing to help out anyone in need, no questions asked. I thank you for giving your son that gift of love and helpfulness. You will never know how much I appreciate all you do for us and for my mom. From helping with leaky pipes, playing snake catcher or checking on her will I call panicked at 11:00 at night because her phone is off the hook and I am worried that something happened to her.

Finally to the men in my life. You are wonderful beyond words, I watch you both with Marcus and know he will grow up knowing how loved he is and how to love unconditionally. Keep teaching him well and remember to show him how God wants him to love everyone and help anyone no questions asked.

I hope you both had a great Father's Day and enjoyed your supper and just spending time together.

I love you both very much.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Congratulations to our beautiful Daughter!

Just had to put a little congrats in here to Michaela for making Honor Roll for 4th quarter! We are very proud of her and she is proud of herself. She is excited to start sixth grade in August, I think she is most excited about playing in the band. She is going to try the trumpet. I hope she does well, I never played anything and Steve played the trombone. So we will see how it goes.
We love you Michaela Marie, and are very proud of the young lady you are becoming!
Keep her in your prayers especially this evening with the storms, she is not likeing them, but we hope to get through them.
Love you Michaela

Zoo fun!

Since Steve's schedule has changed and he is off on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and every other Wednesday. We took the kids to the Children's zoo on Monday afternoon. We had a good time just hanging out with just us. It was not too hot and not very many people were there. The animals were not very active, but we can always go back and check them out again. Kayla decided that the naked mole rats were Marcus' favorite. He could have stood there for hours. He liked the monkey's too.
Here are a few pictures of our adventure.

Michaela in an egg, I called it a goofy girl in an egg. :)

Michaela enjoyed trying to catch butterflies in the garden, this one was handed to her by the the zoo keeper in the garden. We tried to get Marcus to hold it but he wanted nothing to do with that.

Marcus liked hanging out with the bear.

Here is a little brotherly/sisterly love, Kayla is a great big sister and does a great job, showing him things in the world around him. We couldn't ask for a better daughter or big sister for Marcus!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Thank you Lord for no Storms!

All I can say is, Thank you Thank you. No storms and the water is receeding.

She was tired last night so she went to be early and got a great nights sleep. I am so thankful.

Thank you all for your prayers, keep them coming I hear next week is going to be wonderful, NOT!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Calm before the next Storm!

Alright already, I give up!!!!!!!

Just asking for a little prayer help for Michaela tonight, as we prepare for another long night of storms. She was doing so well, but I think a lot has to do with the fact it is non-stop television coverage. I finally had to turn off the TV last night. It was terrible.

We had 5.5 inches of rain last night and needless to say 2 ways out of town right now, if we get more, 68th North will be the only way out. They have been hauling in large rocks along the railroad tracks all day and on Firth road to help support it before tonight.

All I can say is. I am ready for some sun and no more storms for awhile. I think I have more of a hard time because, I know it is coming and knowing she is going to be so crazy doesn't help.

So to all of you, have a good evening, and hopefully the rain and stroms will pass us all over.


Saturday, May 31, 2008

I did it, I did it! ( Ok actually Marcus did)

Ok, just a little pat on the back for myself. Marcus is laying in his own bed, putting himself to sleep now. Happy dance!!!! He has always been a good sleeper, just liked to be rocked to sleep. I am not complaining, I like the cuddle time, and don't get me wrong, I do miss it. But he had started, playing games with us, he would want me then Steve, so I said enough is enough, he needs to start doing this himself. So we started out, putting him in bed, he would scream, until I laid down on his floor and just laid there, until he went to sleep. I did this for 4 nights, then on the fifth night, he gave kisses and hugs, I laid him down, he didn't complain, I left the room and that was it. He has done a great job ever since. I am so proud of myself, Steve for letting him fuss, and Marcus for being such a little man and getting so big.

Oh, Robin called this week and told me to go buy some mud boots at TSC, and come out and help them at the Farm in Lexington. I laughed at her, she said Marcus would love it, I told her I wouldn't doubt it. Well Robin, he loves the mud, we went to some Garage Sales today and my precious little man, went right to a big mud hole, walked through it and almost did a face plant, needless to say, his shoes came off before he was allowed in my Van!!!! Ok, Robin, next time you go play in the mud you can take him, Just bring him home clean.

Speaking of Garage Sales, we found some great things this weekend. I found, Marcus a Little Tykes workbench and a single slide and the cube slide at a sale and only paid $9.00 for all of them. He loves them and he loves being outside so that is even more for him to do. We found a lot of wedding stuff for Kristal too. We got glass votive holders, 18-12 X 12 mirrored Glass tiles, and some vases all for $12.oo, I have to say I am pretty proud of my purchases this weekend. Now if I could just find a maid that cheap to clean my house and stuff, man that would be heaven.

I have been working on VBS stuff and got a lot done, it feels good to get a lot done and out of the way, so it doesn't all catch up with me. We have started softball season, not a very good start, too much rain and not enough practices. Oh, well the girls are learning and having fun. Kayla is also going to start taking some Hip Hop/Cheer classes in Cortland, another thing to keep her busy. I can hope anyway. She has been doing so well, with storms until this week, a few prayers our way would be greatly appreciated. Thursday night was a nightmare for us, the pacing and worrying I thought she was going to give herself an ulcer. Thank goodness that is over. It was not a pretty sight, lots of what if questions. I think she finally went to sleep about 12:45 or so. I could hope anyway.

Not much else, better go, to get the boy to bed. Have a great weekend and enjoy the Non-Storming weather.

Love to all,

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Happy Mother's Day-Just a little late!

Happy Mother's Day to everyone, just a little late. I hope you all had a good one.

Well my mother's day did not turn out as good as I had hoped.

We started at 2:00 a.m. Friday morning, Steve got sick and had a high temp. Kayla went to bed feeling yucky. She and I got up Friday morning, I had her go to school and try to tough it out. We dropped Marcus off at the sitters, left Steve home in bed and went off to school. I got a call 45 mins. into school, Michaela had a temp and needed to go home, I called Steve and asked if he was ok to drive her to the doctor, he said yes. He took her, her rapid strep test came back positive in 5 mins.

I got home at 4:15 and asked how everyone was doing, she was doing better, Steve still had a temp. He took off his left sock and I knew instantly, he had an infection in that leg again. Of course he didn't heed my advice to go to the doctors office, during open clinic hours, so we ended up in the ER, with, excuse my language, a real jerk for a PA. Who basically did nothing. Anyway, he is on an antibiotic too. He saw our doctor today and is cleared to go back to work. We will see how he is when he comes home tonight. My bet is, his leg and foot will be very swollen.

So needless to say, I didn't do a lot for Mother's Day, I did get a little nap on Sunday afternoon, which I have to say, I really needed. My Mom bought Pizza and my sister, Darlene and her family came over to my house and we had Valentino's for supper. At least I didn't have to cook, at night anyway.

Right now I am asking for prayers for our family. Michaela to get totally over her strep, and Steve to heal quickly and not need further treatment. While you are at it, pray for me, my frustration level is through the roof right now and so my patience is also gone right now. I need it more than ever now, with the last 5 days of kids at school and just life in general.

I would like to say to my Mom, you are one in a million. I could not go through a day without you. You give me strength and encouragement daily. I thank God for you every day and I hope you had a good Mother's day weekend. Sorry for all the stress we caused you.

To my Mother-in-law, I thank God for you too. Your willingness to just be there at the drop of a hat. To take my frantic 7:15 calls in the morning, when the sitter calls in sick. I could not do it without you either. Thank you for all you do for us and for the love you give.

Happy Mother's Day Everyone!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Just a thought for today!

A good friend just sent this to me. And boy did it hit home. It is amazing how many "God Moments" I have had lately. He does speak to us in ways we never expect.

Have a great day everyone! Enjoy this little piece of reading:
Just for Today
I'll live in the Moment This concept has been weighing heavily on my mind lately so I'll take that as a sign that somebody out there needs to read it.
I've been watching my 20 year old daughter lately struggle with wanting to be anywhere but where she is right now. She reminds me so much of myself sometimes! It's only been in the past few months that I've really gotten a handle on truly being in the moment I am in right now. I've gone through stages of doing this but have never been consistent about it. I believe my propensity for goal setting has gotten in the way of enjoying the right now. It's been a blessing and a curse. Where I know lots of people that seemed to focused on the past, I have always been focused on the future. Let me give you a few examples and see if maybe you can see yourself in these scenarios:

*My kids would try to talk to me about school and I would listen for a little bit and then start thinking about what I needed to fix for dinner or what chores needed to get done before the night was over.

*I might get a promotion in my job and would savor the excitement for about 10 minutes before beginning to concentrate on what I was going to do to get my next promotion and what my goal was to make that happen.

*I would go for a walk or a bike ride and the entire time think about all the things I was going to accomplish in my life instead of enjoying the beauty all around me, the breeze through my hair, the flowers, the trees, the gifts that surrounded me.
*I have always wanted to be anywhere but where I am right now. And I thought that was necessary to accomplishing my goals. Isn't there a saying that contentment breeds complacency? I believed that wholeheartedly. Now I believe that is a lie. We only get this moment for this moment. We will never have this moment again. Why would we want to spend it being mentally somewhere else? Enjoy each moment you have in that moment. Enjoy this person right now. Enjoy where you are right this minute. Here is the interesting thing about this. I find myself being so much more appreciative of every moment I have. I notice more. I enjoy people more. I enjoy listening to others' ideas and lives. And I'm much more peaceful. The irony is that since I have started living in the moment, I find my goals are much easier to achieve. I'm not working so hard to be somewhere I'm not meant to be yet. I'm not trying to force things that aren't meant to be. And consequently everything seems to just work out peacefully and naturally. It's a very strange experience for me but I'm enjoying it!Just for today, try enjoying each and every moment as it comes, not wishing for tomorrow or next week or next year.
Mari Peck
Just For Today

Monday, May 5, 2008

Feeling a little overwhelmed!

I was just feeling a little over whelmed today, but after visiting my cousin Tara's website I read a great verse from the Bible, that put everything into perspective for me. I often forget that in these times I need to just turn it over to God and ask for his help and guidance. I know his love for me is greater than anything I am dealing with.

But yet I look around and think I don't have it so bad, so why do I feel so over whelmed. Then I feel selfish for feeling the way I feel. Torn and conflicted. There are times when I feel like things are rolling along fine and then I crash into a wall and sink back into this state. I don't like feeling like this and I am trying really hard to get over hitting that wall. Just not quite there yet.

I was looking at a pamphlet I have and found a verse that really made me think:

When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears, and delivers them out of all their troubles. The Lord is near to the brokenhearted, and saves the crushed in spirit. - Psalm 34: 17-18

Sorry this post is so depressing, but I needed to let it out and this seemed like a good place to do it. Thanks for listening.

Love to all.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

7 Random Things about me.

I got tagged by my cousin Tara, so I think I will tag, Robin, Darlene, Kristal, Nichole, Rachelle, Michelle and Jennifer.

#1. I am a perfectionist about certain things, especially if I am doing a project for someone else.

#2. I make my bed every morning, I was just trained growing up and it has stuck with me ever since.

#3. I am addicted to chocolate and Diet Coke, not that I need it by any means but I still like it and could have it everyday if I had it in the house. Curse that darn candy machine in the teachers lounge. :)

#4. When my laundry is done, it is always folded and put away, never left out or in the dryer until I can get to it. I dislike ironing so the faster I can get it out of the dryer the better.

#5 I am married to a wonderful man who would do anything for me or his children. He never wants to leave his kids with anyone, his feelings are we didn't have kids just so someone else could watch them.

#6 I love to sing in the car, especially to Marcus to keep him awake. I do a mean Wheels on the Bus and Itsy Bitsy Spider, as well as Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. I sometimes think I can sing better than I really can, that usually gets me in trouble. You know breaking glass, howling dogs, etc... :)

#7 I love my family & friends more than I can say, and sometimes I do not say it often enough. I tend to get lost in doing things for others and not for myself or my family. I am working on being a better wife to my husband and mother to my children, they need me too and I have to remember it is ok to say NO sometimes to outside things.

Ok, so there are my seven random things, kind of a random post but fun at the same time, Thanks Tara.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Love that wonderful weather

We have all been enjoying the wonderful spring weather. But none more than Marcus. He loves being outside. He screams bloody murder when we have to go in. He loves to chase bubbles, I bought a $8.99 bubble machine a Target 2 weeks ago. He loves it. He can turn it on and off and he runs around in circles and chases them all over the yard. I do have pictures of him, but I am not by my home computer to down load them on here.

The school year is slowly coming to a close. It is hard to believe that in about 6 weeks it will be summer break. I can hardly wait to just be at home and take walks and the kids to the park and hang out. Michaela will be playing softball again, so we will have that and she is doing a volleyball camp at school before the end of the year and a softball camp in June. Have to keep her busy.

Steve is keeping busy at ConAgra/Lincoln Snacks. They keep saying they are going 24/7 which means he will be working 12 hour shifts. Nice but, not at the same time. He will work, 3 days one week and 4 the next. I do not know what that is going to do for my daycare. I have been scared to ask, why I don't know. Marcus loves going there and I don't want to upset her, but at the same time if she would let us pay for only the time he is there, that would be much better. Save us a little money anyway.

Everyone get out an enjoy these next few days and chase a few bubbles and think of Marcus. Oh the life of a toddler, so carefree and fun.

Love to all,

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Happy Easter! A little late!

Ok with Easter coming so early, I just didn't have time to update this. But I wanted to put a few pictures from our weekend out there for you all to see. Marcus attended his first official Easter Egg Hunt at the Madden's Farm on Saturday. He liked walking in the field, but didn't like the tall grass and weeds he had to pick up eggs out of. Of course his favorite thing to pick up was the candy.
We cam home from the hunt to color eggs at Grandma Pat's house, Marcus liked it but thought they were balls and he should throw them. Typical boy! He wasn't too sure about getting his hands colored either.

On Sunday afternoon the kids had their hunt a Grandma Pat's, in the words of one of my Niece's or Nephew's-It looked like the Easter Bunny blew up in Grandma's back yard. There were plastic eggs everywhere. Thanks to my sister-in-law Michelle for stuffing and hiding. You are awesome!!!!!

We went to Steve's folks for awhile too. Marcus got close to his Cousin Garrett, actually he liked his phone. They were buddies as long as Marcus could have his phone. My Boy and Cell Phones, I don't know what I am going to do.

Jason and Carsyn loved taking turns with Marcus and his new bubble mower that the Easter bunny brought for him. That night Michaela and Marcus played some hoops in the basement. Steve and I got him that for Easter. The Bunny brought Michaela a High School Musical sing-a-long doll and we gave her a game for her DS and a High School Musical wipe off board.
So a busy and exciting weekend for us. We hope you all had a blessed and lovely Easter.
All our love,

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Update on Marcus

Just wanted to let everyone know that Marcus is doing well. We took him to the Doctor on Thursday and he is now in a removable splint. He has gone all day today without it and is doing very well.

The Doctor didn't see a reason to re-X-Ray it and said he appeared to be moving it well and with some time he should get his strength back in it. If he has problems we are to call, but he really thought a couple of weeks in the removable splint, just like when he is outside or we can't watch him closely, should be great.

Otherwise, things are going well. We have been busy with work and church. Keep praying that Marcus continues to heal well and that we as a family grow stronger each day.

To each and everyone we want to say we love you and thanks for all your love and support.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Lisa Gets Mom of the Year Award!!!!!

Ok, not really, Marcus fell sometime last week and hurt his arm. I took him on Thursday and they checked it and said it wasn't his shoulder. So the poor little man went all weekend with it hurting and I took him back in on Monday. After 4 x-rays and 3 hours with our pediatrician, and then another 2 hours with the orthopedic doctor, he is the proud, ok not so proud, owner of a soft cast which we can not remove. Can you say makes bath time fun. We will see the Doctor again next week and have it re-X-rayed to check it out. I will let you all know what comes of this. You can tell by his pictures he isn't too excited about this. And finding clothes to go over it, has been really fun. Needless to say I have no idea what he did, so therefore, I get the Mom of the Year award.

Please pray for a quick healing and that nothing more than this lovely cast has to be done. The Doctors can not agree if his elbow is broke or not, so we are hoping the orthopedic doctor wins and it is not broken.

Everyone else is doing fine, Steve is working lots of hours at work, and enjoys his Sundays off. I have been busy with School and Sunday School and the kids. Michaela is loving Middle School and could pass for about 16 at times. NOT something her mom wants to see.
Thank you all for your prayers for Marcus and all of us.
Love you all!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Long time! NO Posts!

Ok, so I have not posted in a while. We have been busy getting back into the swing of things at school for the new year. I have been at a conference for the last 3 days, getting some good info on Autism.

We did take Marcus and Michaela to see Seasame Street Live, Marcus loved the music. I think Kayla enjoyed it as much as he did.

We are looking forward to Ernie and Michelle getting back to Nebraska soon. We have missed them terribly while they have been in Michigan.

Steve has been busy at work, working many weekends, not a lot of family time right now, but hopefully things will slow down soon.

Hope everyone is having a good New Year! And is staying warm!