Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Lisa Gets Mom of the Year Award!!!!!

Ok, not really, Marcus fell sometime last week and hurt his arm. I took him on Thursday and they checked it and said it wasn't his shoulder. So the poor little man went all weekend with it hurting and I took him back in on Monday. After 4 x-rays and 3 hours with our pediatrician, and then another 2 hours with the orthopedic doctor, he is the proud, ok not so proud, owner of a soft cast which we can not remove. Can you say makes bath time fun. We will see the Doctor again next week and have it re-X-rayed to check it out. I will let you all know what comes of this. You can tell by his pictures he isn't too excited about this. And finding clothes to go over it, has been really fun. Needless to say I have no idea what he did, so therefore, I get the Mom of the Year award.

Please pray for a quick healing and that nothing more than this lovely cast has to be done. The Doctors can not agree if his elbow is broke or not, so we are hoping the orthopedic doctor wins and it is not broken.

Everyone else is doing fine, Steve is working lots of hours at work, and enjoys his Sundays off. I have been busy with School and Sunday School and the kids. Michaela is loving Middle School and could pass for about 16 at times. NOT something her mom wants to see.
Thank you all for your prayers for Marcus and all of us.
Love you all!