Saturday, March 20, 2010

It's been a long time!

I have not been very good about posting lately. Sorry, we have been busy with work and the kids.

I do have a little good news to report. Michaela is doing better, have pretty much ruled out that there isn't anything wrong with her stomach, just a lot of anxiety and other things going on her head. We have had some really bad days, not with stomach issues, but with her moods and emotions, but those are now leveling out and I have to say, I know it is early on, but I think we are on the right track. She is taking some meds for the anxiety, OCD, PTSD. She is a perfectionist we knew that, but didn't think it was effecting her that badly. Obviously we were wrong there. So she is seeing the doctor she saw after the tornado and they are talking and now with the meds I am hoping she will be back 100 percent soon.

She is much happier lately, more sparkle in her eyes, she has color back in her face. Now we just need to get some weight back on her. I would be happy if I could just get her back above 100 pounds. It will come, I have to keep trusting and believing it will happen.

Marcus is doing well, growing daily and is surprising us everyday. His new favorite thing is a watching a movie that his Uncle Blaine gave him Thursday night. Donkey Ollie, great bible stories. He loves them. The other night, Kayla was teasing him and he yelled at her, "Stop it, I am watching Jesus!" Loved it! His best was last weekend, we went to a baby shower for my great-niece, we were leaving to get Michaela to a different party. Marcus wanted to know where we going, I told him, his reply, "But I didn't get a shower yet!" The minds of a 3 year old.

Not much else here.

Love to all.


Tara said...

Funny stories about Marcus, lol. Glad to hear your girl is doing better! She has been on my heart. Hugs to all!

Happy Easter!
Love, Tara