Monday, November 8, 2010

Wow, has it been that long?

Can't believe it has been so long since I have updated this. Better do better with this, huh?

Things have been busy. Both kids are in school, Michaela started her last year in Middle School this year and Marcus started as a Peer Model for the preschool program at Norris. He loves it, everyday is an adventure with him. I always worry when Miss Chris comes down after her morning with him and just smiles at me and shakes her head. I'm like, what did my son do or say today? Never a dull moment. He has sang them country songs, used his vast vocabulary with them, even told them I was Maxed Out, his version of Mommy is broke and needs more $$$$$.!

Michaela is doing wonderful. She has maintained her goal weight for several months and seems to be pretty happy, school is going well, she is learning how to give up control especially in group projects, this is new for her, she wants control and if it isn't perfect it drives her crazy. But she is learning, slowly. Her grades are great, we can't ask for more.

Michaela has recently told us her "Life Plan" right now she is wanting to go to college to be a Youth Minister. She loves her youth group and Campus Life at school. She wants to help kids and teach them about God. We are very proud of her for all her planning and the thought she has put into this already. Big Dreams for a young Lady, Keep dreaming Baby, you can achieve anything.

Steve is still working many, many hours a week, it is nice to have him home when he isn't working. Between, all the stuff with the kids, there doesn't to be much time for other things.

School is going well for me. New adventures for me too. Things are going good and everyday is a new day and my new saying is "It's all Good!"

Hope everyone is doing well, will try to do better about updating.
Love and Hugs to all


Tara said...

Hi Lisa! I heard the news late last night about your mom's strokes & that she was at the hospital. Just wanted to let you guys know that I'm praying for her and hope that she will be ok. What a scare for you all!

I'm here if you need anything at all! She can call or you can call me anytime for anything. I'm praying for her - just hope she's ok!

Miss you guys. This year has been packed with college visits, big decisions, graduation plans, etc. Alexa just turned 18 and I can hardly believe it! She just got in from Mexico late last night from a missions trip. Good to have her back on U.S. soil.

I miss your blog. Life is busy...especially with teenagers! Hope to see you guys soon. Give your mom & Kayla a hug for me!

Love, Tara