Sunday, April 27, 2008

7 Random Things about me.

I got tagged by my cousin Tara, so I think I will tag, Robin, Darlene, Kristal, Nichole, Rachelle, Michelle and Jennifer.

#1. I am a perfectionist about certain things, especially if I am doing a project for someone else.

#2. I make my bed every morning, I was just trained growing up and it has stuck with me ever since.

#3. I am addicted to chocolate and Diet Coke, not that I need it by any means but I still like it and could have it everyday if I had it in the house. Curse that darn candy machine in the teachers lounge. :)

#4. When my laundry is done, it is always folded and put away, never left out or in the dryer until I can get to it. I dislike ironing so the faster I can get it out of the dryer the better.

#5 I am married to a wonderful man who would do anything for me or his children. He never wants to leave his kids with anyone, his feelings are we didn't have kids just so someone else could watch them.

#6 I love to sing in the car, especially to Marcus to keep him awake. I do a mean Wheels on the Bus and Itsy Bitsy Spider, as well as Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. I sometimes think I can sing better than I really can, that usually gets me in trouble. You know breaking glass, howling dogs, etc... :)

#7 I love my family & friends more than I can say, and sometimes I do not say it often enough. I tend to get lost in doing things for others and not for myself or my family. I am working on being a better wife to my husband and mother to my children, they need me too and I have to remember it is ok to say NO sometimes to outside things.

Ok, so there are my seven random things, kind of a random post but fun at the same time, Thanks Tara.


Tara said...

Love your list! I want to be like you in the laundering dept! And your #2 cracked me up with cursing the candy machine in the teacher lounge - lol! I enjoyed reading your random things.