Saturday, March 28, 2009

Yippee Skippy! NO more diapers!

Yippee! We have made it the whole week with no accidents. And have been dry even at night!! I am so excited, just when I thought it would take forever and he would never want to, he caught on and it has been so nice.

I have to laugh, little TMI, he has decided he should stand like Daddy when he is at home, ok fine, he stands on his stool. Well it is so funny to watch him, his eyes get huge and he loves the sound it makes. Not to mention his actions or mannerisms he gets from his Dad. Monkey see Monkey do.

Kayla is doing ok. This weekend she has been super tired and not eating very well. I will have to keep an eye on that. Hopefully she just needs to rest, after church tomorrow, we will just veg at home. She has a vocal concert Monday night. Can't wait to see that. She is struggling because she has to pick, either band, or choir or do both. If she does both she will not have a study hall. Not sure what she decide. Will keep you posted on that one.

Watched Brandyn play baseball on Thursday night, froze our buns off. But it was fun. He scored the only run on JV and started pitching the varsity game. It is going to be fun, he will play close so we can go watch more often.

Have a great week.
Love to all,
Lisa and the family


Tara said...

Hope Kayla gets some of her energy back soon. Have a great "veg at home" day today!

Yay on the successful potty training! When our youngest was finally out of diapers, I did a little "jig" down the diaper aisle..."no more diapers!" Woo-hoo!