Friday, April 10, 2009

Here we go again!

Yikes! Just when I thought we were on the mend and things were going pretty good, we get a set back. I had to take Michaela in last night to the Doctors as she kept complaining of Left side pain. She has had it off and on, but of course, being mom of the year, I just blew it off. Well, Dr. Friesen, checked her out, she said it felt like the spleen was still a little enlarged. So off to Saint Elizabeth's for an Ultrasound. At this point she was convienced she was going to miss Easter and be admitted. The scan showed that yes it was still enlarged, but not other damage was present. Thank goodness. But she again has to back off the P.E. she is not real excited, and is worried about her softball season. I told her we would cross that road when we come to it.

She really just wants to be back to normal. Prayers for my beautiful daughter as she is struggling with several issues, from health to friends, as she is feeling like she is being left out of things with them. It is tough to watch her, as she tries so hard to keep up and tires easily. She wants so bad too just be included even if it is just watching.

Thank you all for your love and support.

Happy Easter to everyone! We will be enjoying time with family and loving every minute of it.



Tara said...

I am sorry to hear that she's had a setback in her recovery. I'll be praying for her this week. Hope things start looking up for her. I remember all too well how hard it can be with friendships at this age.