Friday, April 24, 2009

Got to love Allergies!

Ok- I love spring, but dislike it at the same time. My allergies are terrible right now, and I have been miserable for the last few days. I love all the new growth and renewing of the earth, everything looks so clean and fresh. (Excuse me while I sneeze!)

No seriously, I want to add that Michaela is dealing with her spleen issues pretty well. Still hates feeling left out of things. But can't let her do it yet and do not know when she will be able too. She talks to her spleen regularly as she says it is like it keeps poking her every now and then just to let her know it is there. Softball season is just around the corner and she is so afraid that she won't be able to play. Time will tell, I keep telling her.

New prayer request for our family, my Great-niece Emily is 18 months old. She has been labeled as "Failure to Thrive", (can I just say I dislike that label greatly!) and will be going to Children's on Monday for blood work and a Swallow GI series. Please give the doctors guidance to test her quickly, give her parents peace of mind, knowing they are doing what is best for their daughter and the strength to hand her over into the doctors caring hands, knowing she will be well cared for. It will be a tough morning for them all and all prayers for them are needed right now.
You can go to their BLOG page from mine-Tales of MEE! For more accurate updates, I probably have something wrong. But just know prayers are in order!

Have a great Spring day!!!!


Tales of MEE said...

Thanks for your sweet comment on our post, but more importantly for posting the prayer request for Emmy on your blog! That means so much, and the more people we have praying, the better! We'll keep you all posted - thanks for your thoughts & prayers!

Tara said...

Praying for Emily today.