Monday, June 21, 2010

Michaela is home!

It was a quiet week, but now Michaela is home from camp. She had a great time and did a very good job of not getting home sick. We are very proud of her. I believe she has grown her in faith this past week and has a new and renewed trust and interest in God and the bible.

Although we can tell she has missed picking on her brother greatly. As they have been at each other almost every day.

We will see the nutritionist tomorrow for a follow up, I am curious how she did weight wise at camp. I do have to say she has been eating more since she came home, with I am not arguing about at all.

We have had a fun day today, we went to see Toy Story 3, it was good and Marcus didn't even fall asleep. Score one for us. If they didn't play 15 minutes of previews and ads before the movie it would be much better.

Storms have been very active the last few days, ready for the rain to quit and for it to dry out, I know in a few weeks we will be saying, please can't it rain. Never happy am I.

Have a great week.



Arbo Acres said...

Good to see you all at the haircut place last week! I miss your smile...and your hugs. I heard you & your mom did some goodwill-ing lately. Find anything??