Monday, June 14, 2010

Quiet week with just one!

Michaela is at camp this week so it is really quiet around here. I do have to say I really miss her, it is so weird not having her calling someone or picking on Marcus. The hardest part for me is walking by her bedroom and seeing it as she left it. Can I just say it is really hard not to go in there and pick up. I am betting by the end of the week it will be clean before we pick her up.

I have taken this time to spend some good one on one time with Marcus. We started a little preschool time today and spent about 1/2 an hour working on the letters of his name and then I got him on the computer to the website. It teaches Phonics and alphabet letter sounds. So we started out with the ABC part and learning some sounds and then we went to the "at" and "an" families and worked on making some words using them. Writing his name he got a little distracted, but as soon as I told him I was putting him on the computer his attention was better. Just have to work on keeping that thumb out of his mouth so he will say the sounds and things. If I give him the mouse then we are fine, cause he is using that hand. But not always, he just sucks on the other one. Too bad his thumbs are interchangeable, wish they weren't, something more to work on for the summer before he starts preschool in the fall.

I have spent most of the day on the phone with the insurance companies getting things figured out. We were going to supper Saturday nite to meet Steve and his folks. We got hit as we were turning the corner. Well can I just say his Toyota Tundra looks good compared to mom's Buick. We had to have it towed and it is being looked at, I am hoping they call us this afternoon to let us know how bad it really is. We are all ok, just stiff and sore. Mom and Michaela seem to have gotten the worse of it with seat belt rash. But none of us went to the hospital, we were fine. Now the fun reports and insurance stuff. Wish it was easier, but it isn't. Trying to get someone to call me back to get her a rental car, but I am thinking I am not going to hear from them until tomorrow at this point. Kind of frustrating, good thing she doesn't have to work this week.

Otherwise not much else. Maybe I will get this updated more often now that it is summer, HA HA!

Hope you all are enjoying your summer too.
Love to all!


Tales of MEEE said...

Praying for you as you work out the details re: the accident! So glad no one was hurt too badly. Hope Michaela has a BLAST at camp!