Friday, February 20, 2009


I can not believe what a change in just a few hours. It was so nice when we came home from school, now the wind is blowing and it is cold. Yuck.

Michaela made it full days all week this week. I am very proud of her. She has been tired but not too terrible. Tonight she is with her new youth group, at the Dare 2 Share event in Lincoln. She called and is having a blast. She was very excited to go. I am excited for her, I just hope she doen't get too tired. I am guessing she will hit the wall on Sunday and sleep most of the day.

Not much else, just working and working some more.

Hope you all have a good weekend.

Michaela got a perm this week I will try and get a picture of her to post on here soon. It looks very cute and she loves it.

Love to all,

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day!

Hope everyone has a great day after a day of snow.

Just a little update:

Michaela went to school last week, Monday and Tuesday she only made it 1/2 days. On Wednesday she made it all day, I was so proud of her, but could tell she was tired when we got home, no youth group for you little girl. On Thursday she woke up and looked terrible, she had huge dark circles under her eyes and an upset stomach. I told her she could stay home, at first she was going too, but soon she was dressed and wanted to try it. Ok I am all for that. She went, I did not see her at lunch time, I got a call about 1:00 she was exhausted and wanted to go home, so I said meet me at the car. I got in the car and took one look at her and was shocked. She was pasty white, big/huge bags under her eyes and the dark circles were worse. She didn't even make it out of the parking lot and she was asleep. Mind you we live 4 miles from school, she was out, I had to wake her up when we pulled in the driveway. Brought her in, tucked her into bed and that is where she stayed until I got home with Marcus at a little after 4:00. She was back in bed by 9:15 and slept until 8:30 yesterday morning. I did call the doctor again yesterday to see if there was anything we could give her to help her out, but never got a call back. So we will see.

Anyone ever dealt with this before? This is new to me, I have heard lots of Iron, Vitamin C, good vitamins. I don't know, it is crazy stuff, I feel like we take one step forward and 3 steps back.

Not much else here, just hanging out. Loved my snow day yesterday, got some work around here done. Today, we will have to wait and see, what the day brings. Steve is working until 7:00 so probably not doing anything exciting for Valentine's day here.

Have a great day.

Love to all,

Monday, February 9, 2009

Michaela tried out school today!

Well, we had Michaela try school today. She did a good job, she made it until 1:15, which is longer than I expected. Of course, Steve had left for a Dr. appt. so I had to call my mom to come and get her. She came home and slept for 2 hours. She seems pretty good right now. I just hate to have her in that nurse's office, there is way to much yucky stuff going around, and she doesn't need anything else.

So tomorrow is day 2, we will see how she does. I will post more later. Keep up the prayers. I hate to push her back too fast, so she doesn't get too exhausted.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Just a little background into Michaela's illness!

Heard through the grapevine there was some confusion on how we came to the diagnosis of Mono. So here is the scoop!

Michaela started the week before just being extremely tired. I just blew it off, as it was that time of the month and such. Towards the end of the week, Thursday the 29th to be exact, she started complaining of terrible headaches. These lasted all weekend, even with tons of sleep. I took her in to see the doctor on Sunday afternoon, as they were worried about Meningitis, that "quick" test, does it hurt when you look way up or put your head to your chest was negative. Her throat was red but not strep, nose fine, ears fine, just told it was a the lovely "V" word. So we went home. Stopped at Hy-Vee to get a deli pizza for the Super Bowl. And saw our own Pediatrician, she asked what was up and said to call her Monday and let her know how she was doing.

Monday came, still had a headache, but I made her go to school, you know the thought, get with your friends and life will be fine. She made it to lunch and couldn't keep her head up. So Steve came and got her. Called the Doctor and of course the nurse didn't call me back until after our doctor was gone. I tell you want If I could have reached through the phone and slapped this woman I would have. Anyway, basically told to keep doing what we were doing and if it was just terrible she guessed we'd have to take her to the ER. We got through the night and I got her up on Tuesday to see how she was. By this time we are using the pain scale with her, her pain was an 8-8.5 on Tuesday morning, gave her Motrin and sent her back to bed. Called doctors office again, only to have to speak to a nurse again, our doctor doesn't work on Tuesday's. They called Steve at home and we made an appoint with our own doctor for Wednesday morning.

We all got up on Wednesday and she had a bad headache, gave her Motrin 1 hour before our appointment. By the time we saw Dr. Friesen she was still rating her pain as an 8 to an 8.5. They tested her for strep (Negative), checked her eyes to make sure it wasn't something with the nerves there. At this time we are thinking it is migraines, but after she saw her she said, I am not convinced it is, and didn't want to give her anything stronger without doing the MRI to check her brain and the blood vessels to make sure they were not enlarged or anything. She had the worst Lab Tech ever to draw her blood, bless her heart, she was a trooper, as it seemed like it took this girl 10 minutes to find the vein, mind you the whole time moving the needle around in her arm. I was at the point of telling her to just stop when she finally got it, poor thing, Michaela was a ball of sweat, I couldn't believe it. Needless to say, she was not excited about going for the MRI..

We were gotten right into Advanced Medical Imagining. They were awesome, Michaela was worried because she had to have an IV to do a Contrast scan of the head. But said she would to the IV any day compared to the blood draw. They told us we would have results by the afternoon or early the next day.

I called that afternoon and the nurse called me back. Her MRI was Negative which was great, but her blood test showed she had Mono. So doing what I swore I wouldn't do I went online to look it up and then called back several times to ask questions.

She has a note at school, that she is excused from PE until further notice, no contact sports and she can only attend 1/2 days if needed. She was better yesterday, a little more energy until about 7:00, we had walked to the park at her request and that was too much. She was in bed early last night, but didn't sleep as long this morning. We will see. They said to just let her sleep as much as she wants and to push fluids. In other words this is going to be a long haul and just be patient.

Thank you all for your concern and prayers, we can still use them, she is not out of the woods yet, she needs to be very careful to not injure herself, as her spleen is very vulnerable right now.

Also prayers for Marcus as he is showing signs of a bad cold and for my Great Niece Emily as she has was appears to be RSV and is on a Nebulizer.

Love to all.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Another Update

Just got off the phone with the doctors office, MRI was negative, which is good. But her blood work showed she has MONO. Which explains a lot, but doesn't help, because there is nothing they can do for it.

She is not going to be a happy camper as I am putting a nix on her friends birthday party tomorrow. I will keep her out of school tomorrow as that is our last day and let her rest up over the weekend. They did tell me they will write her a note for 1/2 days if needed and no contact sports in PE and to do what she can, but not to push her, if she needs sleep then let her sleep. Which is odd for my child who doesn't sleep much.

Keep praying that this cycles quickly and she gets some energy back soon.
Thanks all for thinking of us, we greatly appreciate it.

Love to all,

Update on Michaela

After a long morning at the doctors office an a lot of tears, I just dropped her off at Grandpa and Grandma's so I could go to work for the afternoon.

NO news is good news right? They are running a bunch of blood tests and she had an MRI of her head this morning. So for now we wait and see if anything shows up.

Praying for nothing to show up, and that they just go away!

Keep praying for us and her, give her some comfort and relief soon.


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Prayers for Michaela

Michaela has had a headache for the last 5 days & has missed a day and a half of school because of it. I am taking her to the Doctor again in the morning to see if we can find some answers.

Please pray that we find a cause, not that I want it to be anything, but would like to find her some relief so she can get back to school. I just wish I could take her pain away and help her more than just giving her Motrin every 4-6 hours.

I will post more tomorrow after we get home from the doctor and let you all know what we find out.

Thanks for your prayers.
