Thursday, May 8, 2008

Just a thought for today!

A good friend just sent this to me. And boy did it hit home. It is amazing how many "God Moments" I have had lately. He does speak to us in ways we never expect.

Have a great day everyone! Enjoy this little piece of reading:
Just for Today
I'll live in the Moment This concept has been weighing heavily on my mind lately so I'll take that as a sign that somebody out there needs to read it.
I've been watching my 20 year old daughter lately struggle with wanting to be anywhere but where she is right now. She reminds me so much of myself sometimes! It's only been in the past few months that I've really gotten a handle on truly being in the moment I am in right now. I've gone through stages of doing this but have never been consistent about it. I believe my propensity for goal setting has gotten in the way of enjoying the right now. It's been a blessing and a curse. Where I know lots of people that seemed to focused on the past, I have always been focused on the future. Let me give you a few examples and see if maybe you can see yourself in these scenarios:

*My kids would try to talk to me about school and I would listen for a little bit and then start thinking about what I needed to fix for dinner or what chores needed to get done before the night was over.

*I might get a promotion in my job and would savor the excitement for about 10 minutes before beginning to concentrate on what I was going to do to get my next promotion and what my goal was to make that happen.

*I would go for a walk or a bike ride and the entire time think about all the things I was going to accomplish in my life instead of enjoying the beauty all around me, the breeze through my hair, the flowers, the trees, the gifts that surrounded me.
*I have always wanted to be anywhere but where I am right now. And I thought that was necessary to accomplishing my goals. Isn't there a saying that contentment breeds complacency? I believed that wholeheartedly. Now I believe that is a lie. We only get this moment for this moment. We will never have this moment again. Why would we want to spend it being mentally somewhere else? Enjoy each moment you have in that moment. Enjoy this person right now. Enjoy where you are right this minute. Here is the interesting thing about this. I find myself being so much more appreciative of every moment I have. I notice more. I enjoy people more. I enjoy listening to others' ideas and lives. And I'm much more peaceful. The irony is that since I have started living in the moment, I find my goals are much easier to achieve. I'm not working so hard to be somewhere I'm not meant to be yet. I'm not trying to force things that aren't meant to be. And consequently everything seems to just work out peacefully and naturally. It's a very strange experience for me but I'm enjoying it!Just for today, try enjoying each and every moment as it comes, not wishing for tomorrow or next week or next year.
Mari Peck
Just For Today