Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Ok before you hear it somewhere else!

Here is the scoop. I was transported by Hallam Rescue from school to Bryan LGH East yesterday around 11:20. I had been having some chest discomfort since Monday evening but just thought it would go away. Went to work yesterday and didn't feel the greatest, but it got to be different and I started feeling light headed. So I was taken to the nurses office, where she took my blood pressure. We talked and felt I needed to be seen, I had her call Steve at home to take me in. He was on his way, when the pain got worse and my blood pressure went up. She was no longer comfortable with him transporting and asked if she could call. I agreed. I really didn't want Hallam to come, but after they got there and Jill Sand started talking with me, it was almost comforting. I was put on oxygen and taken in, no lights and sirens, Thank goodness. My oxygen level would drop when the pain increased. Jill was not liking that.

Upon arriving at Bryan East, we were greeted by the ER register, My best friend from High School. I was thinking could this get any more embarrassing. I had lots of tests, EKG was fine, I had a CT scan of my heart and lungs with dye and it was all normal. They are calling it Pleurisy, Steve and I have decided this is the doctors way of saying we don't know what it is. Kind of like when we take our kids in and they don't know what it is so they say it's just a Virus. I love that word.

Anyway, I was discharged from the hospital at 4:00 and we got my pain meds and came home. I did stay home from work today and slept alot. I am more sore and tired than anything. I am planning on returning to work tomorrow.

Just wanted to let everyone know, so no one hears it through the grapevine.

I am thankful for a great place to work, who care and were concerned about me. Thank you all for your phone calls and prayers I really appreciate it.

Love to all.


Tara said...

Oh my goodness, I had no idea! How scary! You take it easy, girl! I'm glad you had today to rest & recoop. Now I want to look this Pluer-something word up & investigate this further. Seriously...please. Take. It. Easy!!

Love you!