Thursday, June 19, 2008


I keep thinking of the good old days of the past, long since ended. Then my nights were filled with joyous songs. I search my soul and meditate upon the differences now. I recall the many miracles he did for me so long ago. Those wonderful deeds are constantly in my thoughts. I cannot stop thinking about them.
-Psalms 17:5-6,11-12

You know it is funny how certain things make you think back to years past. This week especially for some reason has done that to me. It started off with my Cousin Tara, and her broken dishwasher, and her mom, Paula, posting a comment about Grandma Tracy, looking out the window with the fresh breeze. It started me thinking about Aunt Nancy, I posted on Tara's blog about Nancy in the kitchen, having a dishwasher, but loving every minute of dirtying every pan possible, and not having a care in the world. Just cooking and being together was her joy. Now a couple of cousins are getting married on that part of my family and the memories of Aunt Nancy's showers are coming back. All these things made me think back to her house and the special times spent together. All the stories, and the incredible history we all were told. The one thing I remember most is the Lords Prayer and Grandma and Grandpa's Certificates hung on her wall. I can not remember if they were their birth certificates or their citizenship papers, and how proud Aunt Nancy was of them, how she had them framed and told us all the story behind them and why they were important to her and our family. Don't ask me why this is coming out now, I can not tell you just that I was a memory and wanted to share it. Hopefully it will get you all thinking about some good memories in your family or to share some new memories with others.

I think it is important to give these memories to our children so they can carry them on. It is so funny how a dish or book or picture can bring out the stories, please share them with your children/grandchildren. So they can keep going for ages to come.

Memories are a good thing and I love them, but can be sad at the same time. I searched my Bible today for the right words to talk about this and of course ended up in Psalms, my favorite chapter of the Bible I think. Not sure this is the right verse for my subject, but it jumped out at me and seemed to fit.

Love you all!


Anonymous said...

Great verse for this post - that's the first thing I thought when I read it! I'm going to make sure it's underlined in my Bible. Such a good one!

I love the comfort of remembering our wonderful Aunt Nancy, too. So much love there... I will always remember the comfort of sitting at her kitchen table. The laughter in that house was deafening sometimes! :) I loved her laugh! I loved her sweet voice. I loved her hugs. I loved how attentive she was to each and every person in her home. Everyone was special.

Man, I miss her...

The Chelton's said...

Man, I really need to go back and read my posts before I publish them. Chapter of the Bible, lets try Book. Guess I was just caught up in what I wanted to write to proof-read. Maybe next time.
