Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!

Just wanted to say Happy New Year to everyone! 2008 has been a year of ups and downs, and my wish for 2009 is that everyone remains healthy and safe.

Who would have thought 2008 should be over already. It seems like yesterday it was just beginning. The years just seem to keep on flying by.

My Niece, Michelle posted asking what are your goals for 2009? Well I had not thought about it until now. Some of my goals for 2009 are:
*To be a little more easy going and not so high strung.
* Spend more time just enjoying my children and the new things that come each day.
* I would love to lose some weight and look just totally awesome for Kristal's Wedding in June.
*To keep our Finances better and not worry so much about money.
*I pray the Lord will help be the best wife/Mother and Teacher I can be. Give me strength to deal with whatever the challenge the may bring. Along with teaching, help me to be the best Sunday School teacher and be a good example for my kids I teach.

What are your Goals? Let's start the chain and maybe help keep everyone on track.

Love and prayers to all. Happy New Year.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Happy Birthday Michaela!

Happy birthday Michaela, we hope you had a blast with your friends! Yes we had 3 other 12 year olds here last night for a sleep over, OK I can't really call it a sleep over, because I am not sure how much sleeping was done. I think they all had a good time.

As you can see they were pretty fired up and silly from the start and this was before cake and any sugar was ingested!
I used some Up-Case Living words, Thanks Jen for the use of your words, the girls each made 3 ornaments, they got to pick between, simplify, believe, love, dream and hope; then they had to rub then carefully on the balls. Fun little craft and something they could all take home with them.
Lastly we took them all to Mahoney State Park after a quick lunch at MacDonald's. Michaela wanted to go Ice Skating. So up we headed and for $2 admission to the activity complex and $3 skate rental it was an awesome day. I couldn't believe how cheap it was. They would skate awhile then go play in the maze to warm up. Then go back out skating. Over the Holidays they are open 11-8. If anyone is looking for something new and adventurous try it out.
Have a great New Years if I do not post before then.
Love to all,

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Visiting Santa 2008

OK, being the on the spot Mom that I am, this is the first time my kids have seen Santa this year. I was very surprised, Marcus went right up and sat on his lap, then went back when we asked him if he told Santa what he wanted for Christmas. He had to go back and make sure he told him he likes train stuff, Thomas Train Stuff. It was way too cute.
We went over to Sprague Church for their Kids' Christmas Program tonight and that is where Santa was after the program. Yes, Kayla is getting too old for Santa, but we told her, she needs to keep the spirit alive for her little brother, cause if she spoils it for him, there will be no presents for her. Like I could do that. Hopefully she will let him believe for a while anyway.
Polar Express has become his favorite movie, I made the mistake of letting him take it along last night on our trip to Lincoln, now he thinks he needs to take it every time we get in the van. Probably not the best thing or smartest thing I have done, lately and probably not the last.
We had our Christmas program this morning at Church, the kids did great, they always do. We worry about them not getting things correct, but in the end, who cares, no one they just like to see the little kids all dresses up and doing what they do best, being kids.
I am proud of my Sunday School kiddos, we have talked allot this year about giving back, and for a holiday project they made cards to send to recovering soldiers at Walter Reed Medical Center. And also just helping out wherever and whenever needed. My Class especially has become very involved in the worship service and helping out with reading and offertory and helping the younger kids. I have to say I am also proud of my 5, for taking on the challenge of learning the books of the bible. Our goal is for them to be able by the end of the Sunday School year to stand up and proudly recite all the books of the bible. We have a great start and they are working hard, Please pray for them and me as we take on this challenge and grow together learning about Gods word and all the books written.
If I do not get another post in I want to wish you all a Merry CHRISTmas and a wonderful and safe New Year.
MY love to all!

Friday, December 19, 2008

A few pictures from Novemeber

I loved this picture, though not a true stair step, because Courtney is just a little shorter than Carter, so by age they were not in order. Should have made them put her on a small block so they could be in order, I liked how Marcus was looking back at all of them.
Michaela, what can I say, almost 12 going on 18! Scary!

My favorite picture of the kids together. Wish I could have gotten more or different ones. But I love this one too.

My little man, what can I say, except, sorry it has taken me till November to get your picture taken. Poor guy! Love you bug!

We had the kids' pictures taken the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. Scott and Kathy came in early and when Garrett got out of school they joined us. We had the grandkids on the Chelton side pictures taken together. They all did pretty well. Here are just a select few of the 88 pictures they took that day.

Twas the week before Christmas!

Just a quick update, sorry still no pictures to put on. Maybe next time.

Sending prayers out to my mom tonight, that she gets to feeling better very soon and that the medicine starts working and we can get her on the road to feeling better before Christmas Eve.

I did get her to go to the doctor, Praise God! She agreed easily, she must of felt really bad to agree so quickly. She has been on Antibiotics since Wednesday and at least had somewhat of a voice this afternoon when I talked to her.

Love you Mom, thanks for going to the Doctor and I hope you are feeling better soon.

Prayers for my mom tonight. Get well soon.

Love to all,

Monday, December 15, 2008

Whew-What a week!

Last week was a marathon!

Michaela's concert went well, I was surprised by how good that many first year band students with only a few days of full band practice could sound so good.

It felt like we were running around crazy and this week is shaping up the same. With Birthday's and practices for dance, and Christmas program and Flag core clinic at 7:30 A.M.(mind you)! Yikes, Calgon take me away.

I will post more later, Have a great week.

Love to all,

Monday, December 8, 2008

Just a quick Change

Wanted to get the background changed, but not enough time to post a whole lot.

Micheala was in the Star City Holiday Parade on Saturday so last week we were busy running to practices and preview night ETC... She had a great time, she was hot by the time they were done and we were frozen. Imagine that.

This week she has her first band concert. I can not even pretend to think how this is going to sound. But hey, they are just beginners. They may surprise us all.

Next week she will be 12 years old, I can't hardly bring myself to write it. It sadens me terribly. Just yesterday she was my little baby and now she is almost a teenager. Yikes, she is growing up so fast and as much as I would love to keep her a little girl she is not one anymore. But I am still the Mom and have lots of say in what she wears and buys. Not to her liking, I can tell you that.

I will try to post some holiday photos this weekend, try is the key word there.

Love to all.

Lisa and the family