Sunday, December 21, 2008

Visiting Santa 2008

OK, being the on the spot Mom that I am, this is the first time my kids have seen Santa this year. I was very surprised, Marcus went right up and sat on his lap, then went back when we asked him if he told Santa what he wanted for Christmas. He had to go back and make sure he told him he likes train stuff, Thomas Train Stuff. It was way too cute.
We went over to Sprague Church for their Kids' Christmas Program tonight and that is where Santa was after the program. Yes, Kayla is getting too old for Santa, but we told her, she needs to keep the spirit alive for her little brother, cause if she spoils it for him, there will be no presents for her. Like I could do that. Hopefully she will let him believe for a while anyway.
Polar Express has become his favorite movie, I made the mistake of letting him take it along last night on our trip to Lincoln, now he thinks he needs to take it every time we get in the van. Probably not the best thing or smartest thing I have done, lately and probably not the last.
We had our Christmas program this morning at Church, the kids did great, they always do. We worry about them not getting things correct, but in the end, who cares, no one they just like to see the little kids all dresses up and doing what they do best, being kids.
I am proud of my Sunday School kiddos, we have talked allot this year about giving back, and for a holiday project they made cards to send to recovering soldiers at Walter Reed Medical Center. And also just helping out wherever and whenever needed. My Class especially has become very involved in the worship service and helping out with reading and offertory and helping the younger kids. I have to say I am also proud of my 5, for taking on the challenge of learning the books of the bible. Our goal is for them to be able by the end of the Sunday School year to stand up and proudly recite all the books of the bible. We have a great start and they are working hard, Please pray for them and me as we take on this challenge and grow together learning about Gods word and all the books written.
If I do not get another post in I want to wish you all a Merry CHRISTmas and a wonderful and safe New Year.
MY love to all!


Tara said...

I hope you have a wonderful Christmas with your family! A very merry Christmas to you!
Much love,