Sunday, December 20, 2009

Merry CHRISTmas!

We want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year.

The kids are excited about going sledding and being with their cousins for the holidays. Have to admit, I am too.

Shopping has been interesting. We, Mom, Marcus and myself, went to South Pointe yesterday and you'd think it was black Friday all over again, actually we decided it was worse than black Friday. I was very sorry I had to go to Micheal's. Inside wasn't bad, the parking lot on the other hand was awful. All the stop signs had cars lined up and getting in or out of there was a nightmare. Yikes. We couldn't even get out of our parking space. I just wanted to get out of there. Not that Target was much better, but not as bad as that.

Michaela is holding her own so far, still up and down with her weight. We are doing some more tests on Monday and Wednesday of this week. Yeah, I know Merry Christmas to her. But we have got to get to the bottom of this. Poor thing was so excited to turn 13 on Thursday, we went to Applebee's, where she wanted to go and she was doing pretty good and by the time her supper came she was hurting, she went to the restroom, they came to sing to her and she wasn't there, I went to get her and she was sobbing in the restroom. I felt so bad, for her, what a way to spend your birthday, not feeling well. I hate that this is taking fun things away from her and that is what hurts the most. I just want her well, this has gone on for too long.

My prayer for 2010:
Dear Heavenly Father,
I come before today to thank you for the joys of 2009. I pray for health for all my family, immediate and extended. Lord please bring Peace to the world, I pray for even one day of peace for those surrounded by violence daily. I pray that all the hardships of the last year are behind all of us and we trust that God has had a purpose for them all and will guide us through to the end and teach us what we need to know. Father, be with all who are traveling this holiday season and with them the whole year through. Grant us wisdom and knowledge to do your will.

In your name I pray,


Thursday, December 3, 2009

Michaela Update!

Praise the Lord! She gained 2 pounds. Never thought 2 pounds would make me so happy!

We had an ultrasound done of her kidneys, liver, spleen, gallbladder, all were negative. We are going to try some Zyantac for a few weeks, and see if that works. Only time will tell.

We got to be off all day yesterday(not planned) but we went to the Mall and walked around together. Had a good time, joking and laughing. It has been so long since I have seen her beautiful smile, I got to see it again yesterday and loved every minute of it.

Thanks for the prayers, hopefully we are on the right track.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Just wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving to all our families and friends. We wish you safe travels and good weather.

Miss Michaela is doing better, no stomach ache for the last 3 nights. That includes tonight. She is eating a little more. We will wait and see what happens on Wednesday when she goes in for a weight check. Continue to pray for her too put on more weight, so we don't have to do anymore tests or go farther with other things.

Again Happy Thanksgiving!

Love to all.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Prayer request!

Our young lady, Michaela is not been feeling well for a couple of weeks. I finally gave in and we took her into the doctor this afternoon, I know bad mom. They are running some tests, no strep that we know of, no Pneumonia, no sugar in urine or infection. They will run some more test tomorrow so we will see.

The biggest prayer request for her is that she has been losing weight, she has lost 8 pounds since they last saw her in September. She was already down from the Mono earlier in the year. Dr. Friesen was not happy with her. She matter of factly asked her if she was dieting or trying to lose weight. She told her and us NO, she even told me again after we left and when we were in the car. I know she is not eating a lot, but I didn't think is was that bad. She is giving her through Thanksgiving to put on some weight, so in 2 weeks she had better had gained some.

I am at a loss right now. I know there is some friend issues, 7th grade girls can be mean and tough. I did mention that to the Doctor, she wants to rule out the physical things first then we will move on the emotional stuff. Please pray for her to feel better and to eat what she is suppose too, in order to gain some weight. Never thought I would have to force her to eat, guess she doesn't take after me.

Thank you for your prayers, we appreciate them.
Love to all,

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

November already?

Yikes it is, isn't it? I can not believe it, I can say this time change has messed me up. I thought springing forward was bad this is taking a long time to get use too.

We have been busy with work, school, the yard and just hanging out as a family. Michaela and Marcus and I went trick-o-treating around the block, then took Michaela to a friends house for a party. Marcus was content with just handing out candy, when we asked if we could give some of his away, he said NOWAY!

So far we have been pretty healthy. Knock on Wood, Michaela is battling a cough and runny nose right now, and just that overall tiredness. I think since the MONO, she catches things so easy and it wears her down so much faster. Just when you think you have it kicked, something new comes up.

It is that time of year to start thinking Christmas and with Thanksgiving coming, we need to get the kids Christmas drawing things ready. I have them done, just have not sent them out yet. I can't believe it is that time already.

Not sure what is going on for the Holidays yet. Got time to decide that.

I'm thinking if it is nice tomorrow afternoon, I might take the kids down to the trails and try and get a few pictures of them. Hopefully it will be a beautiful day and the trees will still look great for some great pictures. Have to wait and see.

Hope this finds everyone well. Here is a shout out:

*Congrats Kristal and Ryan on the new house, it looks great, can't wait to see it in person.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Proud of our Daughter!

Last week was a busy one. After about an hour of tears Monday night, and the pleas of I can't to anything right, I am dumb, School is too hard, etc...... you get it. The next day, she comes running to find me and says Mom, Mom, look, look. She was selected into the HAL program at Norris, High Ability Learner. She was so excited. Of course I had to give her a hard time, wait this from the girl who can't do anything. She just laughed. Got to love the drama of a tween.

We are very proud of her, she is doing well in school and has nothing to worry about. PT Conferences were fine.

Congratulations Michaela we are so proud of you and love you very much.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Whew!!! What a week!

This has been one long week. My first back since being sick, now Kayla is down with URI, stuff, yuck. It is way to early in the school year for this. I am hoping it goes away soon, she is so tired of coughing, her sides hurt, lucky me I think I am right behind her, I hope not because I don't want to aggravate what I have. Vitamin C is my friend.

Michaela is excited for Youth Explosion 09 at Princeton Countryside Alliance Church tomorrow. They are the "Security" the front of their shirts say, Secure in Christ. I am so excited and love that she is so involved with this group. I have to chuckle when I think of it. The leaders are the same leaders I had for Youth group growing up. Kent and Lori you are amazing and so great with these kids. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you give to the kids and how you help and guide them everyday.

Youth Explosion is Starts at 4:00, tomorrow, Sunday, Sept.20, 2009. Come hear a some great music and fellowship.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Ok so I went to our family doctor today. He says it is not Plurisy. He is calling it Costochondritis, here is the WebMD explanation of what it is:


Costochondritis is an inflammation of the joints formed by the cartilage connecting the ribs to the breastbone (sternum). The inflammation may be caused by an injury to the chest, but often the reason for the inflammation is not known.

They gave me a steroid shot to hopefully help decrease the inflammation more quickly. If not feeling better by Thursday I am to go back in and see the doctor.

I keep saying this, but this so not the way I wanted to start off my school year.

Hopefully a week of rest will make it all better!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Ok before you hear it somewhere else!

Here is the scoop. I was transported by Hallam Rescue from school to Bryan LGH East yesterday around 11:20. I had been having some chest discomfort since Monday evening but just thought it would go away. Went to work yesterday and didn't feel the greatest, but it got to be different and I started feeling light headed. So I was taken to the nurses office, where she took my blood pressure. We talked and felt I needed to be seen, I had her call Steve at home to take me in. He was on his way, when the pain got worse and my blood pressure went up. She was no longer comfortable with him transporting and asked if she could call. I agreed. I really didn't want Hallam to come, but after they got there and Jill Sand started talking with me, it was almost comforting. I was put on oxygen and taken in, no lights and sirens, Thank goodness. My oxygen level would drop when the pain increased. Jill was not liking that.

Upon arriving at Bryan East, we were greeted by the ER register, My best friend from High School. I was thinking could this get any more embarrassing. I had lots of tests, EKG was fine, I had a CT scan of my heart and lungs with dye and it was all normal. They are calling it Pleurisy, Steve and I have decided this is the doctors way of saying we don't know what it is. Kind of like when we take our kids in and they don't know what it is so they say it's just a Virus. I love that word.

Anyway, I was discharged from the hospital at 4:00 and we got my pain meds and came home. I did stay home from work today and slept alot. I am more sore and tired than anything. I am planning on returning to work tomorrow.

Just wanted to let everyone know, so no one hears it through the grapevine.

I am thankful for a great place to work, who care and were concerned about me. Thank you all for your phone calls and prayers I really appreciate it.

Love to all.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Prayer Request For Norris Schools

I just had a prayer request for all of my classmates and other children on the bus yesterday. As many of you may have seen on the news or on the internet there was a bus that was in an accident yesterday. A lot of the childeren on the bus were injured but luckily not seriously injured. Most of the older childeren were on the bus were back in school today but alot were still in alot of pain weather it was emotionally or phisically. I knew some of the childeren on the bus but their doing just fine but they are just in shock that something like this would ever happen. Most of the childeren that were not in school today will be by the end of the week. I just want to ask you if you could please pray for them in this time of need. Thank you for all the prayers. God bless!


Sunday, August 16, 2009

Happy Third Birthday Marcus Lee!

My Baby boy is 3 years old today! Man time has flown by, seems like just yesterday he was born! I remember it like yesterday anyway!

He is getting so big, pretty easy to potty train, he is talking our ears off, all boy; loves the mud, dirt, trucks and tractors. He has energy to burn. Sometimes I think he is the Energizer Bunny! He keeps on going and going.

Had his Thomas party yesterday here at the house, my seems really small when the family is all here. Kind of like sardines. :) It was a fun time and glad we did it. Thanks to everyone for coming you made the special. Thanks to all who traveled long distances just to be here. It meant a lot to me and to him too.

School is going good for the first 2 days anyway, this week will be our first full week so this will be the test.

Have a great day everyone, I am relaxing today. I am really tired after this week and weekend.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Sprague Fun Days!

It was a hot one this weekend, but Fun Days went on as usual. We went down Friday night to watch a little bit of Softball. In the short time we were there, I think Marcus found every bit of sand and dirt to get in his hair. I kid you not, I had to wash his hair twice, the first time the shampoo was brown, gross. Sunday we went down to watch the championship game. It started pouring, luckily after the game was over. As the storm passed, Marcus decided it would be fun walk in every mud puddle he could find. It was fun to watch, because after a while you just say, oh well, go for it. He was so dirty it was crazy. He loved walking through and playing with the other kids, forget Mud Volleyball, the little kids had Mud Volleyball of their own. Thanks Rhiannon for the pictures. I agree with her, Preschool Mud Volleyball, minus the ball! Wish I would have taken a picture of his backside, it was caked!

Tonight is open house at school, Michaela will be a 7th grader, yikes. I am not ready for that. We will go out and get her schedule and put a few things in her locker before we start on Thursday. I do not have to go until tomorrow for a couple of hours and then Wednesday for a couple of hours. It will be nice, going to spend Wednesday morning at the movies with Rob and the boys and Joelle, for the last Kids Rule Movie of the summer. Can't beat $3.00 movie with popcorn included. Love it.

I do have a prayer request, my supervisor Jen, her daughter Abby is 2 and has been in Children's since last Wednesday. They can not figure out why she is running high fevers and has a rash. She is not eating or drinking, we pray of wisdom for the doctors, to find out what this is, for Jen and Ben as they watch their young child be poked and poked some more. We pray for Abby that she starts to feel better soon and for courage to let the doctors and nurses do what they need to do, even though it hurts. Hard for someone so little.

Thanks again and love to all!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Work already!!!

I am off tomorrow for some training at school. I can not believe in 7 days we have to report. I am ready to go, I am ready for a routine again, although I will miss being at home with Marcus. He gets to go see Deanna on Thursday, while I finish my training, as Steve has to work.

Today, was going to be a day of fun, but turned into a day of hurry up and wait. We had the sewer drains cleaned out as our washing machine kept bubbling up on the floor in the basement. It was a long process and then we had to clean it up. Yuck, but we did rearrage my laundry room a little it looks a little bigger.

Off to town for some supper, Yeah, no cooking! Got to love family nights out right.

Of course the temp as to go up, school is starting soon. And this weekend is Fun Days at the old school house in Sprague, it is always Africa Hot on Fun Days weekend.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Where has the Summer Gone!

It seems like the summer just started and now it is time to go back to school. August 13 is just around the corner. I will start on the 10Th, YIKES! I want some more time!

Kristal got married on June 27, 2009.

Michaela was a candle lighter. I found this little Tux at Once Upon A Child for $12.00 and could not resist. So he dressed up too. We got their pictures taken on July 8, can you tell my children are hams?

Marcus will be three on August 16, where has
the time gone. It seems like yesterday, when I was thinking about how I was going to make it for the first week of school, before I had him. Funny thing though he thought one night of open house was enough and decided forget it I am coming early. He has grown up so much. He loves Thomas the Train. Which is what his party will be. We went to Fremont this weekend for A Day Out with Thomas. As soon as I get the pictures down loaded I will post them.

Michaela is 12 and a half now and man, is so
much turning into a teen and young lady. Her style has changed and man is it scary. Her dress for Kristal's wedding made her look so grown up. My little girl is not a little girl anymore. How I miss those days when she let me pick out her clothes and do her hair. Now I don't dare buy anything for her without her there.

I love that she is so grown up, I like that I can count on her to watch Marcus when I have a meeting or some place I need to go. But as I found out last night, not quite ready totally. Storms are still not her thing. Bless her heart, she was being so brave until I called to make sure Daddy was home and he had not even called yet, she started crying. So I quickly tried, Grandpa, not home, Aunt Darlene, no answer, so Grandma Pat came to the rescue. Of course as soon as Grandma got here, Steve called and got off work. Some day, maybe the storm thing will be behind us, not sure when, but some day.

That's all for now, will try and get Thomas pictures on soon and some Vacation pics. too.

Love to all,

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Video from Thomas Live

Early Birthday Presents for Marcus!

Ok so our wonderful friends from California sent us tickets as an early birthday present for Marcus to see Thomas Live in Lincoln. We are so grateful to them for doing this for us. It was a great morning of a very busy weekend. Steve took the day off work so we could all go. Marcus loved it.

I think Michaela had more fun getting him excited and going with. She is a good big sister and tries so hard to please him. She wanted him to experience everything. We had to laugh at him though, he could not decide what to look at first.

Every time a new character would come out, Marcus was naming them all. Only he really wanted to see Annie and Clarabelle, but they were not part of the show. For some reason besides Thomas they have become his favorites right now. He couldn't decide if he should watch the stage or the lights all around him. He was just in awe of everything

After the show we got him a spinning light and a new Thomas hat. He was so excited. Wish there were more picture ops.

Our little man was exhausted afterwards, he fell asleep on the way to take Michaela to meet some friends at the mall, oops, put the wrong picture in here, he was holding his light in one hand and trains in the other and sleeping. Way too cute.
Thank you again Trevor, Jennifer and Grant for the best Birthday Present ever.
Love to all

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Flowers For Mother's Day!!!!!!!!!

Hey everyone today I (Michaela) bought mommy the most prettiest flowers I've ever seen! About a two weeks ago our Ag Adventures teacher took us up to the school's greenhouse and these caught my eye right away. So, this week they went on sale so I got twelve flowers for only two dollars!! I know I got a great deal for them:) Here are some pictures of the beautiful flowers.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Emily Update!

It was a rough morning for Little Emily. She made it through though and was pretty worn out by everything. You can read exactly what all they did on their web page; Tales of MEE or by clicking on this link:

We are thankful for the good doctors and nurses at Children's and will still be praying for answers soon.

We love you Emily and hope you have a much beter or more fun day anyway tomorrow.

Thank you all for your prayers for her, keep them coming until we find some answers.

Love to all and good night.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Got to love Allergies!

Ok- I love spring, but dislike it at the same time. My allergies are terrible right now, and I have been miserable for the last few days. I love all the new growth and renewing of the earth, everything looks so clean and fresh. (Excuse me while I sneeze!)

No seriously, I want to add that Michaela is dealing with her spleen issues pretty well. Still hates feeling left out of things. But can't let her do it yet and do not know when she will be able too. She talks to her spleen regularly as she says it is like it keeps poking her every now and then just to let her know it is there. Softball season is just around the corner and she is so afraid that she won't be able to play. Time will tell, I keep telling her.

New prayer request for our family, my Great-niece Emily is 18 months old. She has been labeled as "Failure to Thrive", (can I just say I dislike that label greatly!) and will be going to Children's on Monday for blood work and a Swallow GI series. Please give the doctors guidance to test her quickly, give her parents peace of mind, knowing they are doing what is best for their daughter and the strength to hand her over into the doctors caring hands, knowing she will be well cared for. It will be a tough morning for them all and all prayers for them are needed right now.
You can go to their BLOG page from mine-Tales of MEE! For more accurate updates, I probably have something wrong. But just know prayers are in order!

Have a great Spring day!!!!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Coloring Eggs at Grandma Pat's

Marcus liked splashing the green color everywhere, Thank goodness for those Huggies disposable changing pads we put on Grandma's chairs to protect them.
Jason was working hard on writing his name on an egg before he colored it.

Carsyn too loved splashing in the colors. He didn't like it when the eggs were gone. I think we could have dyed 6 dozen eggs and it still wouldn't have been enough for the little guys.

Here is the whole gang. Doesn't Michaela look so excited. Can you tell she was a little tired from the egg hunt. She did go in for a nap when egg coloring was done.
The little guys headed out to the backyard afterward to play. We had Basketballs, bubbles, and the trikes all out. The most fun, was a plastic cup in which they were filling with dirt and putting it in the back of one of the trikes, and then taking it to another spot and dumped it. Of course the highlight had to be when they all decided to throw dirt up in the air. They all had dirt everywhere. Marcus not to be out done, took the cup filled it with dirt and yes you guessed it, threw it straight up in the air, right on top of his head. He even had dirt in his ears. But they had fun and it was so nice, I am glad they got to enjoy Grandma's big backyard.

The Annual Maden Easter Egg Hunt

Marcus' first stop was to visit the bunny and of course get some candy. Then we were off to hunt eggs. I think this has to be the biggest year for them. We had to walk about 1/2 a mile to get to their driveway. Tired Marcus' legs out.

This was the only Egg Marcus found. He found some suckers and a piece of gum, which he kept telling me he was big enough now to chew it. Like I am going to do that.

For the first time ever, in our families history of going to this egg hunt. Michaela found a prize egg, she was so excited. Even by herself she had a great time.

Here she is with the prize she picked out. A beautiful Porcelain Doll, she is so proud of it. She is very pretty. Way to go Michaela. And Congrats!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Here we go again!

Yikes! Just when I thought we were on the mend and things were going pretty good, we get a set back. I had to take Michaela in last night to the Doctors as she kept complaining of Left side pain. She has had it off and on, but of course, being mom of the year, I just blew it off. Well, Dr. Friesen, checked her out, she said it felt like the spleen was still a little enlarged. So off to Saint Elizabeth's for an Ultrasound. At this point she was convienced she was going to miss Easter and be admitted. The scan showed that yes it was still enlarged, but not other damage was present. Thank goodness. But she again has to back off the P.E. she is not real excited, and is worried about her softball season. I told her we would cross that road when we come to it.

She really just wants to be back to normal. Prayers for my beautiful daughter as she is struggling with several issues, from health to friends, as she is feeling like she is being left out of things with them. It is tough to watch her, as she tries so hard to keep up and tires easily. She wants so bad too just be included even if it is just watching.

Thank you all for your love and support.

Happy Easter to everyone! We will be enjoying time with family and loving every minute of it.


Saturday, March 28, 2009

Yippee Skippy! NO more diapers!

Yippee! We have made it the whole week with no accidents. And have been dry even at night!! I am so excited, just when I thought it would take forever and he would never want to, he caught on and it has been so nice.

I have to laugh, little TMI, he has decided he should stand like Daddy when he is at home, ok fine, he stands on his stool. Well it is so funny to watch him, his eyes get huge and he loves the sound it makes. Not to mention his actions or mannerisms he gets from his Dad. Monkey see Monkey do.

Kayla is doing ok. This weekend she has been super tired and not eating very well. I will have to keep an eye on that. Hopefully she just needs to rest, after church tomorrow, we will just veg at home. She has a vocal concert Monday night. Can't wait to see that. She is struggling because she has to pick, either band, or choir or do both. If she does both she will not have a study hall. Not sure what she decide. Will keep you posted on that one.

Watched Brandyn play baseball on Thursday night, froze our buns off. But it was fun. He scored the only run on JV and started pitching the varsity game. It is going to be fun, he will play close so we can go watch more often.

Have a great week.
Love to all,
Lisa and the family

Monday, March 16, 2009

Exciting Times in the Chelton Household!

We are very excited. Marcus is using the Potty!!! He has had just a few accidents but had been doing really good. He wanted to put on his Thomas the Train Underwear the other day and that was it. He is not doing very good about staying dry at night, but during the day and naptime he does. We are just excited about not having to buy diaper anymore. Of course I just bought a whole new box and opened the box already. Knew I should have waited.

Michaela is doing better, we are going to try to let her do some conditioning at school but still no contact sports, so no handball for her this week. She'll have to sit that out. We will try it and see how tired she gets, whether or not it works, time will tell.

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

Love to all,

Friday, February 20, 2009


I can not believe what a change in just a few hours. It was so nice when we came home from school, now the wind is blowing and it is cold. Yuck.

Michaela made it full days all week this week. I am very proud of her. She has been tired but not too terrible. Tonight she is with her new youth group, at the Dare 2 Share event in Lincoln. She called and is having a blast. She was very excited to go. I am excited for her, I just hope she doen't get too tired. I am guessing she will hit the wall on Sunday and sleep most of the day.

Not much else, just working and working some more.

Hope you all have a good weekend.

Michaela got a perm this week I will try and get a picture of her to post on here soon. It looks very cute and she loves it.

Love to all,

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day!

Hope everyone has a great day after a day of snow.

Just a little update:

Michaela went to school last week, Monday and Tuesday she only made it 1/2 days. On Wednesday she made it all day, I was so proud of her, but could tell she was tired when we got home, no youth group for you little girl. On Thursday she woke up and looked terrible, she had huge dark circles under her eyes and an upset stomach. I told her she could stay home, at first she was going too, but soon she was dressed and wanted to try it. Ok I am all for that. She went, I did not see her at lunch time, I got a call about 1:00 she was exhausted and wanted to go home, so I said meet me at the car. I got in the car and took one look at her and was shocked. She was pasty white, big/huge bags under her eyes and the dark circles were worse. She didn't even make it out of the parking lot and she was asleep. Mind you we live 4 miles from school, she was out, I had to wake her up when we pulled in the driveway. Brought her in, tucked her into bed and that is where she stayed until I got home with Marcus at a little after 4:00. She was back in bed by 9:15 and slept until 8:30 yesterday morning. I did call the doctor again yesterday to see if there was anything we could give her to help her out, but never got a call back. So we will see.

Anyone ever dealt with this before? This is new to me, I have heard lots of Iron, Vitamin C, good vitamins. I don't know, it is crazy stuff, I feel like we take one step forward and 3 steps back.

Not much else here, just hanging out. Loved my snow day yesterday, got some work around here done. Today, we will have to wait and see, what the day brings. Steve is working until 7:00 so probably not doing anything exciting for Valentine's day here.

Have a great day.

Love to all,

Monday, February 9, 2009

Michaela tried out school today!

Well, we had Michaela try school today. She did a good job, she made it until 1:15, which is longer than I expected. Of course, Steve had left for a Dr. appt. so I had to call my mom to come and get her. She came home and slept for 2 hours. She seems pretty good right now. I just hate to have her in that nurse's office, there is way to much yucky stuff going around, and she doesn't need anything else.

So tomorrow is day 2, we will see how she does. I will post more later. Keep up the prayers. I hate to push her back too fast, so she doesn't get too exhausted.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Just a little background into Michaela's illness!

Heard through the grapevine there was some confusion on how we came to the diagnosis of Mono. So here is the scoop!

Michaela started the week before just being extremely tired. I just blew it off, as it was that time of the month and such. Towards the end of the week, Thursday the 29th to be exact, she started complaining of terrible headaches. These lasted all weekend, even with tons of sleep. I took her in to see the doctor on Sunday afternoon, as they were worried about Meningitis, that "quick" test, does it hurt when you look way up or put your head to your chest was negative. Her throat was red but not strep, nose fine, ears fine, just told it was a the lovely "V" word. So we went home. Stopped at Hy-Vee to get a deli pizza for the Super Bowl. And saw our own Pediatrician, she asked what was up and said to call her Monday and let her know how she was doing.

Monday came, still had a headache, but I made her go to school, you know the thought, get with your friends and life will be fine. She made it to lunch and couldn't keep her head up. So Steve came and got her. Called the Doctor and of course the nurse didn't call me back until after our doctor was gone. I tell you want If I could have reached through the phone and slapped this woman I would have. Anyway, basically told to keep doing what we were doing and if it was just terrible she guessed we'd have to take her to the ER. We got through the night and I got her up on Tuesday to see how she was. By this time we are using the pain scale with her, her pain was an 8-8.5 on Tuesday morning, gave her Motrin and sent her back to bed. Called doctors office again, only to have to speak to a nurse again, our doctor doesn't work on Tuesday's. They called Steve at home and we made an appoint with our own doctor for Wednesday morning.

We all got up on Wednesday and she had a bad headache, gave her Motrin 1 hour before our appointment. By the time we saw Dr. Friesen she was still rating her pain as an 8 to an 8.5. They tested her for strep (Negative), checked her eyes to make sure it wasn't something with the nerves there. At this time we are thinking it is migraines, but after she saw her she said, I am not convinced it is, and didn't want to give her anything stronger without doing the MRI to check her brain and the blood vessels to make sure they were not enlarged or anything. She had the worst Lab Tech ever to draw her blood, bless her heart, she was a trooper, as it seemed like it took this girl 10 minutes to find the vein, mind you the whole time moving the needle around in her arm. I was at the point of telling her to just stop when she finally got it, poor thing, Michaela was a ball of sweat, I couldn't believe it. Needless to say, she was not excited about going for the MRI..

We were gotten right into Advanced Medical Imagining. They were awesome, Michaela was worried because she had to have an IV to do a Contrast scan of the head. But said she would to the IV any day compared to the blood draw. They told us we would have results by the afternoon or early the next day.

I called that afternoon and the nurse called me back. Her MRI was Negative which was great, but her blood test showed she had Mono. So doing what I swore I wouldn't do I went online to look it up and then called back several times to ask questions.

She has a note at school, that she is excused from PE until further notice, no contact sports and she can only attend 1/2 days if needed. She was better yesterday, a little more energy until about 7:00, we had walked to the park at her request and that was too much. She was in bed early last night, but didn't sleep as long this morning. We will see. They said to just let her sleep as much as she wants and to push fluids. In other words this is going to be a long haul and just be patient.

Thank you all for your concern and prayers, we can still use them, she is not out of the woods yet, she needs to be very careful to not injure herself, as her spleen is very vulnerable right now.

Also prayers for Marcus as he is showing signs of a bad cold and for my Great Niece Emily as she has was appears to be RSV and is on a Nebulizer.

Love to all.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Another Update

Just got off the phone with the doctors office, MRI was negative, which is good. But her blood work showed she has MONO. Which explains a lot, but doesn't help, because there is nothing they can do for it.

She is not going to be a happy camper as I am putting a nix on her friends birthday party tomorrow. I will keep her out of school tomorrow as that is our last day and let her rest up over the weekend. They did tell me they will write her a note for 1/2 days if needed and no contact sports in PE and to do what she can, but not to push her, if she needs sleep then let her sleep. Which is odd for my child who doesn't sleep much.

Keep praying that this cycles quickly and she gets some energy back soon.
Thanks all for thinking of us, we greatly appreciate it.

Love to all,

Update on Michaela

After a long morning at the doctors office an a lot of tears, I just dropped her off at Grandpa and Grandma's so I could go to work for the afternoon.

NO news is good news right? They are running a bunch of blood tests and she had an MRI of her head this morning. So for now we wait and see if anything shows up.

Praying for nothing to show up, and that they just go away!

Keep praying for us and her, give her some comfort and relief soon.


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Prayers for Michaela

Michaela has had a headache for the last 5 days & has missed a day and a half of school because of it. I am taking her to the Doctor again in the morning to see if we can find some answers.

Please pray that we find a cause, not that I want it to be anything, but would like to find her some relief so she can get back to school. I just wish I could take her pain away and help her more than just giving her Motrin every 4-6 hours.

I will post more tomorrow after we get home from the doctor and let you all know what we find out.

Thanks for your prayers.
